
Frequent Facebook Users Not As Worried About Privacy

Frequent Facebook Users Not Worried About Privacy

Despite Facebook's reputation for raising privacy concerns as information technology adds new shipway to share information online, most users aren't very worried, according to a new crown by USA Today and Gallup.

The survey of to a higher degree 2,000 adults found that 26 percent of respondents who manipulation Facebook daily are "very concerned" about secrecy, compared with 35 per centum for weekly Facebook users and 39 percent for people who use Facebook less often.

Put differently, the more you use Facebook, the fewer likely you are to be worried about seclusion on the social network.

Facebook recently announced a couple big changes that set aside users to reveal more about themselves: "Timelines" are a new fles of visibility that chronicle users' entire lives through photos, status updates and apps, and the "Open Graph" is a way for Facebook apps to automatically publish your activity, including the songs users are hearing to, the places they're going and the articles they're recital.

The new "cover" photo at the cover of the Facebook Timeline.

According to the The States Today/Gallup poll, 87 pct of respondents who employ Facebook daily possess noticed the new features, compared with 34 percent for respondents who use the site fewer than once a week.

The changes, so far, are less-traveled among users who have noticed, with 56 pct of respondents saying they disapproval the refreshing features, and 36 per centum approving. That's not surprising; Facebook users have a history of hating whatever changes Facebook makes. Eventually, they adapt.

But the poll's findings on privacy show that the sight of Facebook's founding father and Chief Executive, Mark Zuckerberg, is forthcoming to fruition. As Facebook has expanded the ways that users can share entropy about themselves, those users have become comfortable living call at the open. Zuckerberg has said that the amount of information people are sharing online is increasing at a growing plac. Just about users appear to embody OK with that.

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